July 22, 2019SAND Drone Challenge Marketing Launch at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh
September 1, 2019Application Window Opens on SAND Website
September 15, 2019Notice of Intent (NOI) Due by 11:59 PM EST on SAND Website
October 1, 2019Interface Day #1
The SAND Competition will hold a 4-hr WebEx where questions (written ahead of time to by no later than September 24, 2019 11:59 PM EST) and real time submissions will be addressed by the Event Team as well as Vehicle Safety and Safeguard Technology Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).
November 1, 2019Application Submission Due by 11:59 PM EST
December 1, 2019Down Selections Completed, Selected Applicants Notified
February 7, 2020Interface Day #2
The SAND Competition will hold a 4-hr WebEx where questions (written ahead of time to by no later than January 24, 2020 11:59 PM EST) and real time submissions will be addressed by the Event Team as well as Vehicle Safety and Safeguard Technology Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).
March 1, 2020Autonomous Operations Drone Video and .tlog Due by 11:59 PM EST
May 2020Hampton, Virginia: SAND Teams and Drone Check-In, Preflight Inspections, and Set-Up
May 2020SAND 2020 Challenge Competition Day